Our People

Meet Janine Barrow

Perth, Australia

Janine Barrow headshot Nov 2022

Janine Barrow is one of our global leaders in sustainability and climate action, with a key focus on the Asia Pacific region — driving innovation, fostering connectivity, attracting and maintaining talent and supporting delivery excellence.

Janine还负责雅各布斯亚太地区脱碳战略的实施, 这是为了帮助我们的客户实现显著的温室气体减排,并支持我们在应对气候挑战方面的作用.

珍妮在年轻时就对保护环境产生了强烈的承诺. She witnessed coastal erosion caused by construction of an export jetty, resulting in her local beach washing away. The beach used to accommodate nesting turtles and horseshoe crabs. This deeply affected Janine, so she decided to pursue an impactful career in sustainability, helping the planet in the most profound way possible. 为雅各布斯工作给了她这样的机会——每天帮助客户实现更可持续的解决方案.


Key challenges we are seeing as the corporate agenda progresses include knowing where to start; understanding how to realize real implementation on the ground to meet targets across organizations (governance, accountability, behavior change etc); identifying technology to tackle challenging scope 1 emissions, 能够影响供应链和碳的真实估值,从商业案例到退役.

利用她在可持续性设计框架和组织业务规划方面的丰富经验, Janine has developed Jacobs’ Net Zero Labs approach.

净零实验室是一种基于战略和评估的方法,可帮助客户建立脱碳优先事项并制定关键战略投入. Through collaboration and using this customized Net Zero Labs approach, Janine帮助客户提炼出开始脱碳之旅所需的核心战略元素或业务案例组件.

“我喜欢我的工作的地方在于,在雅各布斯,我们实际上可以为减少碳排放的结果做出贡献. 当我早上起床时,我知道我可以为更美好的未来做出贡献, which is the most important thing to me.”

Janine Barrow headshot Nov 2022

Janine Barrow

Jacobs Senior Global Director, Sustainability and Climate Action

  • 9

    countries lived in

  • 300

    kilograms of food waste per year per person in Australia on average

  • 300 M

    tons of plastic wasted each year