
满足博士. 尼诺Kharaishvili


Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili has partnered with over 40 different countries’ public health and veterinary systems to assess, 设计和实施各种能力和能力增强项目.

她专门研究全球卫生安全, 减少生物威胁, 卫生系统的复原力和防备, 疾病/生物监控, 加强卫生系统, 以及程序度量和评估.

拥有超过17年的国际医疗保健和全球健康安全咨询经验, she is a healthcare expert with extensive experience in setting up metrics and evaluation programs and tracking progress towards achieving selected indicators.

“作为一名医生和健康企业的领导者, 我曾在许多国家工作,为破坏性事件做准备,并在这些事件中茁壮成长. 制定有效和高效的技术弹性解决方案,减少全球生物威胁, 管理卫生团队, 确保所提供服务的质量, 提供财务监督和招聘/培训新专家是我职业生涯的一部分.”


尼诺·哈拉伊什维利,硕士.D., M.B.A, P.M.P.


作为卫生治理全球解决方案主任,尼诺侧重于卫生系统的复原力. As a result of the fact that health systems are adapting and transforming to become more effective and resilient, 它们需要高级治理框架的支持和功能职责的协调, 报告层次结构和资助机制.

雅各布斯建议各国政府, 医疗卫生机构, 组织和社区创建和实施有效决策的新途径, 资源管理和操作环境.  我们关注的是系统结构, 政策框架, 监管机制, 金融模型, 医疗保健联盟和问责制.

The key role of such system is to anticipate 外部 threats and the impact that they may have as well as to take necessary action to limit their influence. Achieving this resilient state is becoming an increasing challenge for healthcare organizations around the globe and has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 health crisis, 然而, 尼诺尽其所能达到这个目标.

她在确定医疗保健系统可持续性和弹性的路径方面拥有丰富的经验, as well as designing and implementing various 紧急 preparedness exercises aimed at improving public health 紧急 preparedness and response. 除了, Nino has partnered with global health care agencies to implement 加强卫生系统 projects to assess national and multi-sectoral 紧急 response capacities, 解决资源挑战和制约因素,加强沟通策略.

Nino holds a Master of Business Administration from the College of Saint Rose and received her medical doctorate from AIETI Medical School. 另外, 她是项目管理专家(PMP), 变更管理高级从业者(提出), 持有设计思维和创新证书, and is an ICAgile certified and Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation (Bronze and Silver) certified professional. 除了她的专业角色, Nino dedicates volunteer services to support The Uniformed Services University for 健康 Sciences and the National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public 健康.

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    疯狂流行病圈养猫先生. 豆

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  • 设计了卫生系统评估方法和工具 这可以以模块化的方式实现, 只需要四个月就能完成, 并且减少了评估的成本和时间. 该方法已被国防部接受并部署. 该方法已发表在 卫生安全杂志.
  • 在25多个国家开展卫生系统评估; led the deployment and operations of in- country teams; designed and implemented various table-top and field exercises on 紧急 preparedness and health system capability testing. 该方法已发表在 卫生安全杂志. 
  • 制定并实施度量和评估计划 为国防部工作. 环境保护计划设定了标准, 定义参与的预期活动, 并反映了可用于各种程序性活动的方法的可扩展性. 该方法已发表在 卫生安全杂志.


WCS 2023第1天- 3B场

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