

Software accelerating sensor collection and real-time analytics


介绍BlackStack,一个软件加速传感器采集和实时分析平台. BlackStack enables faster processing at the edge, providing commercial grade infrastructure solutions, 并促进更快,更直观的高级搜索,从而实现到秒的决策能力.  

In a world filled with ever-increasing volumes of raw data and cyber threats, 政府和企业都需要创新和安全的软件解决方案来产生即时的见解. 当前绝大多数的数据搜索和分析工具既耗时又昂贵, 对于依赖准确和及时的数据来做出关键任务决策的分析师来说,哪些可能导致延迟或错过情报.

BlackStack在大多数关键任务和高安全性应用中得到了现场验证.S. 国防和情报客户, 但其人工智能驱动的分析可以应用于任何商业数字首页,以加快决策速度. 从电力首页的弹性到水路和废水系统的性能,再到交通和互联城市,加速数据处理和即时洞察的可能性是无穷无尽的.

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  • Radically accelerates processing time

    专利BlackStack算法和定制硬件搜索原始数据,而不需要传统的索引. 使用异构计算——不同类型芯片的组合来动态地获得最快的性能——BlackStack消除了ELT索引步骤,并以快200倍的速度返回结果. It reduces processing time from days to minutes or seconds.

  • Produces deeper, more valuable insights

    From tactical sensor data to large enterprise data lakes, it enables faster sifting through vast amounts of data to find meaning, leading to better understanding and more informed decisions.

  • Offers global application in any industry



  • Bypass extract, transform, load (ETL) and tagging for accelerated edge analytics.
  • 利用人工智能和机器学习实现智能搜索自动化.
  • Discover events faster with high performance search and event detection.
  • Achieve more efficiency searching ALL the data without ETL and indexing.
  • 降低总拥有成本(TCO),以更少的费用快速分析日志数据文件.
  • Be ready for the future with scalable, compliance ready, searchable storage.


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